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Childhood Abuse

one who has experienced abuse, trauma, or neglect in childhood, may be more likely to get a mental disorder that comes from fear whenever the thought of it comes or the sight of their object of abuse. The signs may be seen when young, or may not develop into mental illness until a teenager or an adult. Some conditions, such as personality disorders, are thought to have a link to childhood trauma and neglect.


Living with parents or persons who have experienced trauma can make us more likely to experience mental illness ourselves too. This is likely to be because of how it affected them and the fact that we grew up with them experiencing all these.

Substance abuse: Long-term substance abuse, in particular, has been linked to anxiety, depression, and paranoia.


Feeling lonely can have a negative impact on your mental health, especially if these feelings have lasted a long time. loneliness is associated with an increased risk of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, sleep problems, and increased stress.


Losing a loved one can cause profound emotional reactions in course of grieving. These reactions include anxiety attacks, sleep disturbance chronic fatigue, depression, and thoughts of suicide because of obsession with the deceased.


Poverty is often defined as the lack of sufficient income to provide for the necessities of life, consistent with the norms of the society in which one lives.
This has negative physical and psychological health consequences, along with reduced educational and professional attainment leading to depression, stress, low esteem, etc.

Long term physical health challenge:

Having a long-term physical condition can lead to social isolation, low self-esteem, stigma, and discrimination. You may feel tired, frustrated, worried, or stressed, especially when dealing with pain, tests, and treatments.
All these can bring about anxiety, stress, and depression.


Encountering discrimination be it gender, race, age, or size has long been associated with negative effects on overall well-being, such as higher levels of stress, poor cognitive function, anxiety, depression, and substance use.

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